Monthly savings are now possible at Northcrypto
One of the most desired features has finally been implemented.
Last updated: 11.03.2022 14:34We listen to the wishes and feedback of our customers precisely and strive to constantly improve our service based on them. We are proud to introduce our newest feature, monthly savings. You can now add automatic buys to your user account, which will be completed immediately upon deposit. Purchases will be made at the current rate in our service as soon as the deposit has been credited to your account.
If you want to start saving e.g. Bitcoin regularly, you can set up an automatic buy with Euro as the deposit currency, Bitcoin as the currency to be purchased and 100% of the deposit as the relative amount of the purchase. After you do this, the function always buys Bitcoins with the full amount you have deposited using the rate at the moment your deposit is credited to your account. So, if you set up a recurring payment from your bank account to your Northcrypto account, you will automatically buy Bitcoins with all the money, without having to manually trade on our site. The automatic purchase can be canceled at any time and does not require regular transfers to your account. Please remember the reference number when setting up a recurring payment from your bank account.